Monthly Schedule

Monthly Schedule

2011.4 - 2012.3 Season

Date Title / Venue / Artists Program Ticket / Contact
10/21(Fri) 6:45pm
Subscription Concerts

The 384th Subscription Concert
“Madness in Love”

Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall

Frédéric CHASLIN, Conductor

Ryoko SUNAKAWA, Soprano

M. Ravel Pavane pour une infante défunte
E. Chausson Poème de l’Amour et de la Mer, Op.19

F. Chaslin Excerpts from Wuthering Heights
 1. Overture 2. Here is the Obstacle (Cathy’s Love Aria)
3. That is Nightingale (Cathy’s Madness Aria)
4. Gipsy Dance 5. I am Bewildered (Young Catherine’s Aria)

G. Bizet  “Carmen” Suite
 1. Les Toréadors – Prélude – Aragonaise 2. Habañera
3. Intermezzo 4. Chanson du Tréador 5. Nocturne
6. Seguedille 7. Danse Bohême

S: ¥7,000
A: ¥6,000
B: ¥5,000
C: ¥4,000
D: ¥3,000
Y: ¥1,000 (Only for 24 years old or less)

Please send e-mail to address below

S: ¥7,000
A: ¥6,000
B: ¥5,000
C: ¥4,000
D: ¥3,000
Y: ¥1,000 (Only for 24 years old or less)

Please send e-mail to address below

10/22(Sat) 4:00pm